1900 S 10th St., Mayfield, KY 42066
270.247.5396 Mail@jukevil.com
Serving Western Kentucky for over 50 years.


The links below are provided to assist you in finding additional information.  Please note that these websites are not a part of the JU Kevil Foundation.  We do not control any of the information or content provided on these third-party website.  Clicking on these links will open a new window on your screen.  


The following links point to sites with information that may be of interest.

Information Concerning Parents With Disabilities and Their Families - www.lookingglass.org

National Accrediting Organization for Rehabilitation Facilities - www.carf.org

Michelle P Waiver Information - chfs.ky.gov/dms/mpw.htm

Information Regarding Assistive Technology - www.abledata.com

National Rehabilitation Information Center - www.naric.com